Complete Psionic

Complete Psionic  
Author(s) Bruce R. Cordell and Christopher Lindsay
Genre(s) Role-playing game
Publisher Wizards of the Coast
Publication date 2006
Media type Print (Hardback)
Pages 160

Complete Psionic is a supplemental rulebook for the 3.5 edition of the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game published by Wizards of the Coast released in April 2006. It is the first 3.5 edition supplemental rulebook published by Wizards of the Coast which focuses on psionics since the Expanded Psionics Handbook.



It presents additional material relating to psionics, including three new classes and a variant of the psion, eight new prestige classes, a new psionic race and many feats and psionic powers. Complete Psionic also explores the concept of illithid heritage through new character options: nine illithid heritage feats and a prestige class, the Flayerspawn Psychic.

The 160-page book was notable for using a recent formatting style adopted by Wizards of the Coast which generally involves an increase in page count for a given amount of information, by including more background information. For example, classes and prestige classes include additional information on their role within the game, their organisation and lore. This formatting style resulted in eight prestige classes in Complete Psionic versus thirty-six in Complete Warrior.


Complete Psionic introduces three entirely new classes, and a fourth class, the erudite, which is described as a variant of the psion class. The ardent and divine mind classes were originally one and the same, but were separated before publication: the background and philosophical identity of the ardent was an original element, whilst this was originally to be combined with the psychic auras of the divine mind. The two were separated, and the more divinely influenced divine mind was created as a consequence.

Prestige classes

In addition to the new standard classes, Complete Psionic also introduces eight new prestige classes, adding to the nine in the Expanded Psionics Handbook and the smaller number printed in other Wizards of the Coast supplemental books.


Alignment Any
Type Aberration (Psionic)
Image image
Stats [No Open Game License stats]
Publication history
Source books Complete Psionic

Synads are aberrations that appear human, but have three different minds working together inside their head.

Publication history

Complete Psionic was written by Bruce R. Cordell, author of the Expanded Psionics Handbook, and Christopher Lindsay, and was published in 2006.




External links